Eyes of Our Heart

Editorial note: Opinions expressed here are solely those of the blogger

I’m not a particularly reflective person. By that I mean I don’t spend much time wondering why certain events or occurrences have transpired; I just accept them as is. But I’m nonetheless grateful when chance or circumstance play a positive role in my life.

As an example, an old friend of mine – a fellow New Englander, like me, married a woman from Minnesota and moved to the Twin Cities 21 years ago, a few years after I arrived. We picked up our friendship right where we left off. And throughout the years, it’s been great having someone to go through those big life changes with who knows you from way back when.

This friend and I traveled to Israel together in the 1980s as part of a tour comprised of Jewish teens from New England. The tour was led by a Boston area Rabbi and his wife. As chance would have it, the Rabbi and his wife relocated to the Twin Cities and my friend and I joined them for breakfast – last year shortly before the Holidays, and again earlier this morning.

After greeting each other, catching up and ordering, the Rabbi asked my friend and me to name a time where we saw through the eyes of our heart. We both asked for clarification and the Rabbi told us to think of it as a way in which something that we observed made us feel differently. Not the type of question you typically get asked.

Each of use – the Rabbi and his wife, plus my friend and me, went around the table and shared a little bit about of ourselves. There’s no need for me to recount the anecdotes but they covered travel, music, Minnesota vs. New England culture, parenthood and upbringings. Despite going way, way back with everyone at the table, I can say with confidence I learned something new about all of them. I believe they feel the same way about me.

If you’ve read along this far, I’d ask you to consider a time when you saw through the eyes of your heart. Of course, share your insight with someone you know if you’re so inclined or keep it to yourself. Because I can tell you that as a non-reflective person, it’s truly enriching to have people in your life who get you to see things differently. The best I can do is help pass on their wisdom so it will continue being put to good use.

Image credit: Ion Fet

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