Soaring On

Editorial note: Opinions expressed here are solely those of the blogger

When I was a kid, you couldn’t go anywhere without hearing “Hotel California” by The Eagles on FM radio. No matter how many times I hear it today, I always will associate the song with sitting in the back seat of my mother’s Buick as we ran errands throughout the southeastern shoreline of Connecticut. The song conjured up memories that were so far removed from my environs.

Certain phrases in the song resonated with me.  “… she got the Mercedes-Benz; she got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends.” Now at that point in my life I don’t think I could picture a more luxurious automobile than a Mercedes and didn’t quite get the play on words. And boys who were pretty? And women having guys as friends had as friends? I didn’t quite understand it, but I swear I knew there was something quite different, off, … yet somehow so titillating about the whole thing.

I’ve been hearing another song by The Eagles during the past few weeks – “One of These Nights.” Except this time, it’s our 17-year-old daughter Sasha playing it on Spotify, usually sandwiched between other 1970s songs like “Southern Nights” by Glenn Campbell, “More Than a Woman” by the Bee Gees and ELO’s “Sweet Talkin’ Woman.” Throw in “Rock’n Me” by the Steve Miler Band and Boz Scaggs’ “Lido Shuffle” and I swear I could be right back in my mother’s Buick.

I should note that Sasha discovered this music on her own. Like most kids her age, she really doesn’t think much about genres, artists, or even eras, for that matter. But it’s no coincidence that all of these songs were written between roughly 1975 and 1977. When the production helped make good content great and didn’t overshadow it.

Image credit: Elijah O’Donnell

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